Cannabis General Order Items
- Waste Discharge Identification Number (WDID) if currently enrolled in General Waiver R1-2015-0023 or General Order R5-2015-0113
- Size of cultivation area and disturbed area (in square feet)
- Site information, including site location, slope of disturbed area and setback distances
Water Rights Items
- All existing water right numbers (Small Domestic Registration, Initial Statement, Permit, License, etc.) or other water right information.
- Point of Diversion (POD) and Water source information (Name, Location, stream characteristics, etc.).
- Place of Use (POU) information (APN, parcel acreage, cultivation acreage, non-cannabis irrigation acreage, number of plants).
- Diversion Works information (method and conveyance specifics).
- Information on water use for cannabis plants (gallons or acre feet), the planned number of irrigation days, and irrigation rate.
- Planned water use amounts for any incidental uses (aesthetic, fire protection, recreational, or fish and wildlife) in gallons per year and a justification for the amount.
- Offstream storage information such as number of existing tanks/bladders, number of proposed tanks/bladders, existing capacity, and proposed capacity.
- Project description (area to be graded, diversion operation, and complete or proposed project features).
- Project Completion Schedule.